About Us

K9TIT was founded in 2007 by KC9FSH, KC9IZF, AB9TE and another local ham. The club’s original name was the Menasha Amateur Radio Contesters, this name was changed to the Fox Valley Amateur Radio Contesters in 2010 and this name remained until 2019 when it was finally decided to start growing the club so we changed the name to the Northeast Wisconsin Amateur Radio Club.
The original plans for K9TIT were for the members to use it during the WI QSO Party, overtime this grew to include Winter Field Day, ARRL Field Day, BARTQ RTTY Contest and we hope to add many more to our list. The plans for the nearly formed Northeast Wisconsin Amateur Radio Club is to promote the technical side of ham radio by encouraging our members to tinker with electronics, build their own antennas and provide a good network of ham operators with technical knowledge, we also plan on holding both city wide and on foot fox hunts throughout the year and we plan on gathering our members together to participate in various ham radio contests. We believe in the idea of elmering new hams, this includes helping people obtain their ham radio license and helping them through the steps of assembling a station and making sure that any question they have is answered. Since the beginning of K9TIT, our goal was to always have fun while doing any activity, this will continue to be one of our top goals going forward.

Membership is open to any licensed ham radio operator or anyone interested in becoming a ham radio operator.