2021 Field Day

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Have you ever thought about checking out ham radio or getting your ham radio license? If so, then stop by the South Greenville Grange #225, on the corner of 76 and BB, this weekend from 1pm saturday to 1pm sunday and check out what ham radio is about. You can ask questions, see how things are setup and even get on a radio yourself, as long as one of us are next to you. It’s a fun event and it sounds like we have quite a bit of interest so far this year.

If you’re currently a ham we’d love to have you stop out as well, we always need more operators.

For more information check out our Facebook event at https://fb.me/e/1O3D4UIMa

Field Day 2019 Suggestions

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Field Day 2019 is over, thank you to everyone who came out to help setup, operate or just to check out what ham radio or field day is about. Since this was our inaugural Field Day we would love your feedback so that we can make Field Day 2020 even better than this one.
If you attended Field Day we ask that you please take a couple minutes and fill out a form with your comments and suggestions. This form is anonymous unless you include your e-mail address for us to contact you.

Over the next few days we’ll be posting all of our pictures from this event.

Field Day 2019

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We have secured a site to hold our 2019 Field Day event, it will be held at the South Greenville Grange Hall grounds, located on the corner of highway 76 and county BB. Setup will begin on Friday night around 5:30pm and we will meet again on the grounds on Saturday morning to finish any testing and setup needed. Field Day operating begins at 1pm local time Saturday until 1pm local time Sunday. The public is welcome to attend and we will have information available about ham radio.
The plan is to have 2 HF stations, one shared CW/voice and one shared voice/digital, as well as a 6m/2m station.
Anyone who is operating is welcome to stay overnight on the grounds.


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Welcome to the K9TIT page, this is where we will post information on upcoming events like Field Day, Winter Field Day, WI QSO Party, fox hunts etc